10 November 2009


Funny how time gets away from you, or from me. I lost a sterling collection of photographs depicting Beci's birthday and a trip to Scienceworks with Milo to see the Star Wars exhibition, which was quite dispiriting, then never really caught up. There's even been talk of jumping out of the blog game altogether, but that is crazy talk.

Work has been quite hectic and demanding - well, not really. I suppose it's just a bit closer to what most people have to deal with all the time. Key workmate, confidante and office laugh generator Coleman is moving on to greener pastures at an ad agency. He's been having going away drinks for the past week or two.

Molly gave me a hot tip-off that Robert Forster was appearing at Readings, fittingly reading from his book and playing a few songs. This was a celebrity encounter that not only reinforced my admiration for the man, but illustrated how he seems to be just as good at being a funny, stylish, sarcastic person as he is at writing and performing kick ass music.

Illustrating a similar point, here's Mavey and his broken nose, playing cricket with a shovel in our backyard.

It's so good to have the ramshackle genius of Joey back. Here he is with Spencer or Ernie, I can never remember which. Look at Joey's blog for some documentation of his recently completed 9 month tour of Europe. The photos of the dodgy Russian petting zoo with bears, tigers and a monkey in pinstriped slacks and adidas is yet to be uploaded, but be patient.

Shona with.... Spencer? The one with the underbite.

Jason James with his cat, the Weird.

Me telling a funny story while Rosie and Sofia listen attentively.

Ed and Olivia actually listening attentively to one of Rosie's actually funny stories.

Roopa making another batch of sausages, this time a Thai blend complete with kaffir lime leaves and pine nuts.

I was lucky enough to score a ticket to the 'Body Electric dance-off' on the weekend. Anna, Ben and I were Rosie's cheering squad. I was going to make a sign saying 'So Rosie, I think you can dance', but I failed.

There were 5 groups (I think) and they all did two routines each. This was Rosie's group's first number, 'Suddenly' by Angry Anderson. Enchanting!

There's Rosie. In all the teams, it was like 'oh, that guy from that cafe', or 'isn't that my old housemate?'. So good.

Second routine, this time to 'Thunderstruck' by AC/DC with a post-apocalyptic, Mad Max vibe.

There was a panel of judges and a host, so it was like a really good TV show. In fact, they were filming it for Sunday Arts on the ABC, though apparently it won't be on till next year.

These guys were good, they wore bike lights and performed an elegant routine to Kylie's 'Can't get you out of my head'.

The amazing Rosie in costume, complete with possum fur and spray painted goggles. They didn't win, but dancing was the winner in the end. I was most impressed, especially considering my well known dancing phobia.

Post prize announcing, the dance floor was open to all comers, but would occasionally break into more 'street' renditions of the routines when the corresponding song came on.

Following a sleep walking episode, we hung-overly attended the North Fitzroy Primary fete the next day. Ed and Sofia had been there for hours already.

I went on the Sizzler with Sofia, which was hilarious, though I was a bit scared she was going to fall out for a while.

Milo and his rat-bag mates were in an opposing car.

Snow cones were the snack of choice. We got through a couple.

A rabbit pooed on Milo in the petting zoo. Rosie pointed out a rabbit pooed on another rabbit a little later on, so it wasn't personal.

And what a way to top off the weekend: the return of the ginger prince, resplendent with broken leg and corn rows! We had wine and cheese over at his manor. Welcome back, Sam!!!

Shona with Sam's crazy boot.

Scottie, insisting on a white.

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